Worm.ae aims to be the most innovative and positively impactful composting solutions provider to farms, enterprises and households; helping you reduce your organic waste to zero and turn it into a valuable resource.

In one handful of composts, there's more microbes than there are humans on the planet.


the Oasis WormBin

Your Sustainable Solution for Restaurant Waste Management on site!

Say goodbye to kitchen scraps ending up in landfills! The OasisWormBin is a sleek, compact system made from durable aluminium and stainless steel. It comes with thousands of hungry composting worms that will transform your kitchen organic waste into nutrient-rich vermicompost, perfect for greening the desert and enhancing your restaurant's sustainability image. With premium vermicompost, cost savings, and educational opportunities, join the movement towards a greener future with the OasisWormBin!


Worm Castings

Composting worms eat, live, breed and poop. After a while we separate this medium from live worms, and that is what worm castings are. There is no other organic matter on Earth that has so much richness in terms of microbial life and plant bio-stimulative power than worm castings. We package these fresh on order so that our partners get the full natural bio power.


Liquid Biostimulant

BioVermi enhances the natural growth mechanisms of plants and soil by boosting photosynthesis and nourishing microbial communities. Plants develop larger root systems, enabling greater nutrient exchange and enhancing resilience throughout their lifecycle.


African Nightcrawlers

African nightcrawlers, scientifically known as Eudrilus eugeniae, stand out not just for their size and purple sheen but also for their adaptability to higher temperatures. This makes them well-suited for warm climates like Dubai. Their efficient carbon processing and resilience in warmer conditions make them an ideal choice for vermicomposting, contributing to effective organic waste management and soil enrichment even in challenging environments.


Red wigglers

Red wigglers, scientifically known as Eisenia fetida, excel in indoor composting setups, making them ideal for compact spaces. Recognized by their vibrant red hue and smaller size, these worms efficiently convert kitchen scraps and organic materials into nutrient-rich compost. Well-suited for controlled indoor environments, red wigglers are a popular choice for those looking to implement a sustainable and convenient composting solution within their homes

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